§ Bills. Read a first time:—Registration (Court of Appeal).—Read a third time: —Bishops Residences.
§ Petitions presented. By Lords Jermyn, G. Lennox, Ingestrie, G. Somerset, Mahon, Ashley, Powerscourt, Stanley, C. Manners, Elliot, Sirs C. Dundas, T. Freemantle, E. Sugden, C. Burrell, C. Broke Vere, P. Egerton, J. Y. Buller, E. Wilmot, E. Filmer, C. Grey, W. James, A. Dalrymple, Captain Alsager, Sergeant Jackson, Major Wood, General Lygon, Colonel Sibthorpe, Alderman Copeland, Messrs. Pakington, Hurst, A'Court, Holmes, Boroughs, Fleming, E. Vivian, Wodehouse, W. Baring, Halford, Dugdale, Bell, Plumptre, Hughes, Hogg, Sanford, G. Knight, Grimstone, W. Patten, Goulburn, Hodges, Maunsell, Herries, Foley, Greene, and Ormsby Gore, from an Immense number of places, against the Ministerial plan of National Education.—By Sir Charles Dundas, Sir Charles Style, Messrs. Lushington, Easthope, Howard, Ward, Philpots, Wyse, Baines, and Erle, from 153 a number of places, in favour of the Ministerial plan for National Education.—By Messrs. Wallace, Howard, Hurt, Chalmers, Alcock, Cresswell, Litton, W. Miles, Hawes, Hogg, Sanford, Hughes, Easthope, Halford, Sirs W. Mordaunt, C. Grey, J. Y. Buller, Lords Elliot, Sandon, and General Sharpe, from a great number of places, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By Mr. Elliot, from Roxburgh, against Granting any Monopoly for Printing the Scriptures.—By Sir F. Trench, from Scarborough, against any further Grant to Maynooth College.—By Mr. W. Miles, from some place, for Church Extension in Canada—By Mr. Plumptre, from Margate, against the Delivery of Letters on the Sabbath.—By the Lord-Advocate, from Edinburgh, for Church Extension in Edinburgh.—By Mr. Sheppard, from one place, against Sunday Trading.