§ Petitions presented. By Sir JAMES GRAHAM, Sir EDWARD FILMER, and Messrs. SANFORD, CLIVE, CHUTE, PLUMPTRE, CHRISTOPHER, BROADLEY, W. 919 DUNCOMBE, G. PALMER, BRAMSTON, CAYLEY, and HANDLEY, from a number of places, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Messrs. WALLACE, BAINES, HUTT, ELLIOT, EASTHOPE, and Sir LITTON BULWER, from a number of places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. GREEN, from Manchester, for a Uniform rate of Postage.—By Mr. WOOD, from Uxbridge, against the present Licensing system.—By Mr. GILLON, from Auchtermuchty, against any further Grant to the Scotch Church.—By Mr. Sergeant TALFOURD, from Oswestry, for substituting Affirmations for Oaths.—By Mr. HUME, from Tipperary, for Mitigation of the Criminal Code.—By Mr. GROTE, from the Dissenters of London, for Redress of their Grievances.—By Mr. EASTHOPE, from the Retailers of Beer at Leicester, for Protection of their Inter. ests.—By Mr. WALLACE, from Greenock, for Equalising the Sugar Duties; and also for the Repeal of all Laws restricting the Free Importation of Food.—By Sir JAMES GRAHAM, and Sir GEORGE SINCLAIR, from several places, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By Mr. HALFORD, from Leicester, against any further Grant to Maynooth College.—By Sir ROBERT INGLIS, from a Clergyman, in favour of the Copyright Bill.—By Mr. Sergeant TALFOURD, from a number of places and individuals in favour of the Copyright Bill.