HC Deb 20 August 1839 vol 50 cc465-6

Mr. Hume moved for leave to bring in a bill for establishing county councils, which he said was only slightly different from that which he had before proposed.

Mr. Law Hodges

opposed the motion, and said, that if the bill proposed were printed and circulated throughout the various counties, it would create great alarm. He thought, that it would be better to withhold the measure until the next Session.

Mr. G. Palmer

opposed the principle of the bill. He was satisfied, that the majority of votes would be given for persons of comparatively very small property. The existence of boards of guardians, also, rendered the formation of such bodies as these councils unnecessary.

Lord Eliot

said, the bill introduced two Sessions ago by the lion. Gentleman was so generally objected to, that the present measure, which was almost the same, had not any prospect of passing. Its effect would be to increase the burthens of the yeomanry, which were already too great.

Mr. Hawes

hoped the House would allow the bill to be brought in, having recognized the principle by allowing the introduction of the former bill of the hon. Gentleman.

Mr. Aglionby

said, the principle of the bill was the same as the former, but the details had been altered in accordance with the expressed feeling of the House On that occasion; he hoped, therefore, the hon. Member would be allowed to introduce it.

Mr. Freshfield

thought the circumstances of the principle of this bill being the same as that of the former bill, which was on consideration rejected, was the best reason that could be afforded for not allowing the hon. Member to introduce it.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, in supporting the motion of his hon. Friend, he begged distinctly to be understood as not pledging the Government to support either the principle or the details of the bill. At the same time he thought, that there was not then a sufficient number of Members present to debate such a question: he moved that the debate be adjourned.

Debate adjourned.