§ Bills. Read a first time:—Seditious Societies Act Amendment—Read a third time:—Consolidated Fund.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. M. PHILIPS, from Manchester, Mr. H. FLEETWOOD, from Preston, and Mr. WALLACE, from several places, in favour of a Uniform Penny 94 Postage.—By Lord NORREYS, from the Magistrates of Oxford, for Amending the Beer-laws.—By Sergeant TALFOURD, from Reading, against the Bill for rating the Landlords of Small Tenements.—By Mr. VILLIERS STUART, from a number of places, Mr. Hums, from fifteen places, Mr. O'CONNELL, from an immense number of places, Mr. H. GRATTAN, from twenty-one places, Mr. P. HOWARD, from a place in Northumberland, Sir W. BELLEW, from places in the county of Down, Mr. E. B. Recur, from a great number of places, Mr. M. J. O'CONNELL, from a number of places in Kerry, and Mr. BEAMISA, from a number of places, in favour of the Ministerial Policy in Ireland.