§ Mr. Charles Woodmoved the third reading of the Ecclesiastical Appointments Suspension Bill, and stated, that he wished to propose an alteration in the clause which had been moved and adopted on a former occasion relative to the deanery of Exeter.
§ Sir Robert Inglissaid, that the alteration, so far as he collected it as it was read, appeared to him to change entirely the whole character of the clause; making it retrospective instead of prospective.
§ Mr. Charles Woodsaid, that this was the case: but his hon. Friend was probably absent from the House when the clause itself had been introduced, otherwise he could not have forgotten, that his 1304 noble Friend who moved it, had been urged on all sides of the House, and chiefly by hon. Members opposite to him, to make this clause retrospective.
§ Sir Robert Inglissaid, that he had been present on the occasion, and remembered well, that the noble Lord had distinctly refused to give that effect to the clause: and he thought, that the alteration now proposed, ought not to have been brought forward without having been first printed, with the votes, as the clause itself had been, and without any statement of the causes which had led to the alteration, and this at such an hour of the night.
§ Bill read a third time. Amendment made, and Bill passed.