§ Petitions presented. By Sir E. WILMOT, from various places in England and Ireland, by Sir ROBERT PEEL, from Tynemouth, by Mr. AGLIONBY, from a place in Cumberland, by Mr. DENNISTOUN, two, from the city of Glasgow, by Mr. O'CONNELL, from Dublin, and by other MEMBERS, from various places, for the immediate abolition of Negro Slavery.—By Sir J. Y. BULLER, from a place in Devon, by Sir ROBERT PEEL, from York, by Lord G. BENTINCK, from Lyme, by Colonel SIBTHORP, from Lincoln, and by Mr. F. KELLY, from Ipswich, that Church property might be devoted to ecclesiastical purposes.—By General O'NEIL, from the county of Antrim, by Mr. Sergeant JACKSON, several, from the diocese of Ross, and by Mr. E. TENNENT, from the county of Antrim, against the system of National Education.—By Mr. ORMSBY GORE, from land-owners and others connected with the principality of Wales, complaining of great exactions and hardships.—By Mr. JAMES GRATTAN, from the county of Wicklow, for the immediate Abolition of Tithes.—By Sir E. KNATCHBULL, from Canterbury Union, that poor-rates should be paid by the landholders.—By Viscount SANDON, from Lichfield, to make provision for the maintenance of the clergy of Upper Canada; and from the pawnbrokers of Liverpool, against the National Pledge Association.—By Mr. P. THOMSON, from Cambridge University, in favour of the International Copyright Act.—By Sir R. PEEL, from Calne, for the reduction of postage.—By Viscount MAIDSTONE, from a Protestant Association, against the grant to Maynooth.—And by Sir G. STRICKLAND, from York, against endowments for the Scotch Church.