§ Petitions presented. By Mr. O'CONNELL, forty, by Lord MORPETH, thirty-four from the West Riding of Yorkshire, by Mr. M PHILIPS, Mr. V SMITH, and Lord DUNGANNON, several from various places, by Mr. BROTHERTON, forty-two petitions from various parts of Lancashire, by Sir G STRICKLAND, from various places in Yorkshire, by Sir R. PEEL, from Roscrea, from the Wesleyan Methodists, and from the Borough of Stockport, by Mr. GROTE, three, from London, by Mr. GILLON, eight, from parts of Scotland, by Mr. BAINES, four, from Leeds, by Lord EBRINGTON, fifteen, from places in Devonshire, by Mr. HINOLEY, twenty-six, from places in Lancashire, by Mr. VILLIERS, 40 forty, by Mr. C. BULLER, by Mr. SCHOLEFIELD, by Lord MAHON, by Mr. HODGES, by Mr. Sergeant LEFROY, by Mr. THOMAS DUNCOMBE, twenty, from places in Yorkshire, by Sir GEORGE GREY, by Lord SANDON, by Mr. FIELDEN, by Mr. W. J. DENNISON, by Mr. SANFORD, by Mr. PEASE, ten, from Durham, by Mr. HOWARD, from Wesleyans of Carlisle, and by the CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER, from Cambridge, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.