§ Bill. Read a first time:—Haileybury College. Petitions presented. By Sir R. PEEL, from the Trustees of the British Museum, for their Annual Grant.—By Sir C. BLUNT, from Lewes, for alteration in the Poor-law Amendment Act.—By Mr. GROTE, from Dissenters of Glasgow, against any further Endowment to the Church of Scotland.—By Sir R. BATESON, from a place in the north of Ireland, against the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill; from the parish of Lower Cumber, in the county of Londonderry, against the present system of National Education in Ireland, a similar petition from Dunmanway, and another place in the county of Cork; from Dungarvan, against the Negro Emancipation Bill; from the town of Antrim, for the restoration of the ten Irish Bishops abolished by a recent Act of Parliament; from Clonmel, that the rights of the Protestant Freemen might be protected in reforming the Corporations.