HC Deb 05 March 1838 vol 41 c387

Petitions presented. By Mr. J. B. O'NEIL, from Antrim, and by Mr. ROCHE, from Limerick, and by Major MACNAMARA, from Ennis, against the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. LUCAS, from the Infirmary Surgeons of Ireland, against the Medical Charities Bill.—By Mr. DUCKWORTH, from Leicester, praying for an alteration in the laws relating to Common Informers.—By Mr. C. LUSHINGTON, from various parts of Devonshire, by Captain WINNINGTON, from the inhabitants of Kidderminster, by Mr. VILLIERS, from Wolverhampton, Sedgefield, King's Swinford, and other places in the counties of Stafford and Worcester, by Mr. EASTHOPE, from Protestant Dissenters of Leicester, by Sir C. LEMON, from the inhabitants of St. Alban's and its neighbourhood, by Dr. LUSHINGTON, from the Society of Friends in Great Britain, by Lord C. FITZROY, from Bury St. Edmund's, and two other places in the county of Suffolk, by Captain MEYNELL, from the inhabitants of Lisburn, by Mr. LASCELLES, from the Protestant Dissenters of Wakefield, by Mr. PEASE, from a parish in the North Riding of Yorkshire, and by Mr. Sergeant JACKSON, from the Wesleyan Methodists of Bandon, and from the Independents of Dublin, for the total and immediate abolition of Slavery.—By Colonel G. LANGTON, from Grocers and Soap-boilers of Bath, and by Mr. MILES, from Bristol, for a repeal of the duty on Soap.—By Mr. VILLIERS, from Wolverhampton, for an inquiry into Church Property.—By Mr. PUSEY, from Berkshire, in favour of the Rating of Tenements Bill.—By Dr. LUSHINGTON, from inhabitants of the Tower Hamlets, complaining of Common Informers; and from the owners of small Houses, in the Tower Hamlets, in favour of the Recovery of Tenements Bill.—By Mr. H. G. WARD, from Sheffield, for an inquiry into the existing Combination laws—By Mr. M. J. O'CONNELL, from parishes in Kerry, for the total abolition of Tithes, and in favour of Vote by Ballot.—By Captain WOOD, from Hotel Proprietors, Tavern Keepers, and Licensed Victuallers of London and Westminster, for the repeal of the Special Taxes on their Servants and Windows, for exemption from the liability to make good the loss of property of travellers deposited with them, and not to pass into a law the Bill for extending the time for keeping open Beer Shops—By Mr. B. HALL, from the Association of Operative Carpenters of the borough of Marylebone, for a remission of the sentence passed on the Glasgow Cotton-spinners.—By Mr. Sergeant JACKSON, from Protestant inhabitants of two parishes in the county of Cork, against the present system of Education in Ireland.—By Mr. BAINES, from Leeds, for a repeal of the duties on Foreign Corn.—By Mr. GILLON, from the Central Board of Scottish Dissenters, against the measure for the endowment of forty Schools in Scotland; and from Postmasters and Stage Coach Proprietors of London and its vicinity, against the inequality of Taxation on modes of Travelling.—By Mr. HAWES, from inhabitants of the Metropolis, against the Coal Monopoly.—By Mr. ORD, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for the repeal of the duty on Soap; and from the Chamber of Commerce in the same town, to allow Foreign Corn in Bond to be ground—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Protestant Dissenters of Wellingborough, and other places, for the total abolition of Negro Slavery; from a parish in the county a Kilkenny, against the Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Bill—By Mr. HODGSON, from Barnstaple, and by Lord SANDON, from Liverpool, for a reduction in the rate of Postage.—By Mr. HODGES, from a place in Kent, for an alteration in the Poor-law.—By Mr. E. ELLICE, jun., from Cupar, and Fife, for the extension of the Suffrage; and from the same place, in favour of the Municipal Amendment Bill—By the CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER, from the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Limerick, against the Salmon Fisheries (Ireland) Bill—By Mr. F. MAULE, from Dunraven, for the abolition of Tithes.—By Colonel SIBTHORP, from Hertford, for the abolition of the duty on Fire Insurances.