§ Bills. Read a second time:—Slave Trade Treaties (Sicily and Tuscany); Militia Ballot Suspension: Private Bill Deposits.—Read a third time:—Ecclesiastical Appointments Suspension.
§ Petitions presented, By Sir R. INGLIS, from London, and a place in heat, in favour of a more extended provision for the Church of Canada.—By Captain PECHELL, from Brighton Fishermen, complaining of the aggressions of the French Fishermen.—By Mr. BRAMSTON, from Chelmsford, for a repeal of the Beer Act.—By Mr. ADDAMS WILLIAMS, from Chepstow, against encouragement of Idolatry.—By Lord C. MANNERS, from a place in Leicestershire, against the Beer Act.—By the CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER, from the Licensed Beer Sellers at Warrington, against any alteration in the present Beer Act; from Stockport, to the same effect; from the Yarn Manufacturers at Monaghan, to protect the Linen Trade of Ireland; from the Council of the Horticultural Society, to make the Botanical Garden at Kew a truly National Establishment for the advancement of Science.