§ Bills. Read a second time:—Militia Ballot Suspension; Detatched Portions of Counties (Ireland).—Read a second time:—War Office; Transfer of Funds; Conveyance of Estates.—Read a third time:—Post-Office; Customs; Joint Stock Banks.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. BROTHERTON, from Salford, in favour of Mr. Owen's system.—By Mr. GIBSON, from Ipswich, for increased encouragement to the Established Church.—By Mr. HINDLEY, from Ashton-under-Line, against the sanction of Idolatrous practices in India.—By Viscount SANDON, from Wesleyan Methodists Congregations in Liverpool, and by Mr. GLADSTONE, from Wes- 792 leyan Methodists of Newark, to the same effeet.—By Mr. SHAW, from Dublin, against the Spirit Licences (Ireland) Bill.