§ Bills. Read a third time:—Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt; Recovery of Tenements.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. AGLIONBY, from Dumfries, against the Pilotage Bill.—By Lord W. BENTINCK, from Glasgow, in favour of the Bill for the Better Regulation of Municipal Corporations in Scotland.—By Mr. RICH, 571 Sir E. SUGDEN, Lord G. SOMERSET, and Mr. M. PHILIPS, from various places, against the encouragement of Idolatrous Worship in India.—By Mr. M. J. O'CONNELL, from the Spirit Dealers of Killarney and Tralee, praying to be placed on the same footing with their fellow tradesmen in this country.—By Sir R. INGLIS, from the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, against the Ecclesiastical Appointments Suspension; and from the county of Glocester, against the Grant to Maynooth College.—By Mr. HINDLEY, from Stockport, in favour of the Ballot.