§ Bills. Read a first time:—General Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Continuance.—Read a second time:—Grand Juries Presentment (Ireland).—Read a third time:—Trading Companies.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. G. LANGTON, from Bath, in favour of the Grant to Maynooth.—By Mr. WALLACE, from the Glasgow, Greenock, and Paisley Railway Company, against the Mails on Railroads Bill, and from the Glasgow and Greenock Institution, against the encouragement of Idolatrous Worship in India, and by Mr. SHEPPARD, from Poole, to the same effect.—By Viscount SANDON, from Liverpool, against the Grant to Maynooth.—By Mr. A. CHAPMAN, from Whitby, against Idolatrous Worship in India.—By Lord WORSLEY, from Lincoln, in favour of a cheap rate of Postage.—By Mr. H. GRATTAN, from Spirit Dealers of Arklow and Rathdrum, praying for the same advantages as their fellow Tradesmen.