§ Bill. Read a first time:—Salmon Fisheries (Ireland).
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. VILLIERS, from the AntiCorn-Law Association of Scotland, by Mr. HUME, from Bathgate, by Sir R. FERGUSON, from Nottingham, by Mr. GILLON, from Whitburn, and by Mr. M. PHILIPS, from the Chamber of Commerce of Manchester, for the abolition of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. GILLON, from the Central Board of Scottish Dissenters, from Girvan, Kirkeudbright, Falkland, Auchtermuchty, Whitburn, and other places, against any further grant to the Scotch Church.—By Sir R. BATESON, from a parish in the county of Londonderry, and from the Presbyterian congregations in the county of Down, against the Irish Poor-law Bill.—By Mr. SANFORD, from four places in Somersetshire, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.—By Mr. LITTON, from inhabitants of Dublin, against certain clauses in the Irish Poor-law Bill.—By Mr. WAKLEY, from fourteen towns in the east of Kent, complaining of the regulations for Medical Practitioners under the Poor-law Amendment Act; and from the Working Carpenters of Dublin, denying that they had entered into any combination to inflict violence on persons or property, and denying certain statements reported to have been made against them.—By Mr. DENNISTOUN, from Glasgow, for an inquiry into the system of Trades' Unions.—By Mr. CRESSWELL, from Liverpool, for the abolition of Imprisonment for Debt.—By Mr. HANDLEY, from a place in Lincolnshire, against the Municipal Boundaries Bill.—By Mr. BETHELL, from Duffield and the vicinity, numerously signed, for an abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.—By Mr. HUME from Ross, and other places, for the abolition of the Negro Apprenticeship system in the West Indies.—By Mr. GROTE, from two places in Fife, and from inhabitants of the city of London, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.