§ Bills. Read a third time:—Militia Ballot Suspension; Oaths Validity.
§ Petitions presented. By the Marquess of GRANBY, from Stamford, against the Parochial Assessment Bill.—By Mr. GIBSON, from Chelmsford, and by Sir G. GREY, from Devonport, against Idolatrous Worship in India.—By Sir J. CARNAC, from Shipowners and others engaged in the East India Trade, to appoint Commissioners to examine the fitness of Masters and Mates of Merchant Vessels.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from the Proprietors of the Bath Journal, that the Libel law may be altered; and from the Licensed Spirit and Malt Dealers of Dublin, for a continuance of the Clause prohibiting Grocers from selling Spirits.—By Mr. GOULBURN, from Bilston (York shire), against the Qualification of Members Bill; from the same place, praying that the Military stationed at Malta might be excused from attending the Religious Ceremonies of the Inhabitants; and from the Registrars and Deputy Registrars of the several Dioceses in Ireland, to be exonerated from making a return ordered by the House.