§ Petitions presented. By Mr. GREENE, from Lancaster, against the Boundaries of Boroughs Bill.—By Sir JOHN TYRRELL, from Essex, for a tranfer of the Poor-rates, from the occupiers to the owners of small Tenements.—By Mr. SHAW, and Mr. GOULBURN, from various places, against the Irish Tithe Bill; and any further grant to Maynooth College.—By Lord EBRINGTON, from Devonshire, for the Ministerial plan for the abolition of Church-rates; and for the transfer of the Poor-rates from the tenants to the owners of small Tenements.—By Mr. SERGEANT JACKSON, from the governors of the Foundling Hospital, of the city of Cork, praying that that Hospital might be exempted from the Irish Poor-law Bill; and also from the north of Ireland, praying for reforms in the Church, and particularly for the restoration of the ten Bishoprics which had been lately abolished; and from Bandon, in favour of the Agricultural and Commercial Bank of Ireland.