§ Petitions presented. By Sir ROBERT INGLIS, Lord MAHON, and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Chobham and other places, against Abolition of Church Rates.—By Mr. HERBERT CURTEIS, and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Bury St. Edmund's, Wallinford, and other places, for the Abolition of Church Rates.—By Colonel BUTLER, Mr. W. ROCHE, Lord CLEMENTS, and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Navan, Donoughmore, and other places, for Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Members of Trades Union, Dublin, for Reform of House of Lords, and for the extension of the Franchise; and from Donoughmore, Caher, and other places, for Vote by Ballot.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, and other Hon. MEMBERS, from various places, for Municipal Corporations (Ireland), Abolition of Tithes, and Vote by Ballot; and from St. Michael's and St. John's, Dublin, for the grant of Free Burial Grounds in the vicinity of that City.—By Sir E. KNATCHBULL, from the Guardians of the Isle of Thanet Union, for Poor Law Act.