HC Deb 12 December 1837 vol 39 cc991-2

Mr. Lynch moved for leave to bring in a Bill to promote the reclamation and improvement of uncultivated lands in Ireland.

Sir E. Sugden

, after admitting the importance of the subject matter of this Bill, and of the other Bills for which the hon. Member had given notice for this evening, expressed his disapproval of the practice which had lately grown into use in this House of introducing Bills without general statements of their objects and utility, and reserving all debate upon the subject of them till their subsequent stages. This practice, instead of throwing the onus of making out a case of necessity for his Bill upon the mover, threw the onus of making objections to it upon those who disapproved of it, and then only left to the mover the trouble of replying to the points which had been made out against him. He thought the subjects of the present Bills required great consideration; they contained many valuable suggestions, but he should be glad if they were introduced so as to allow time for their perusal and consideration during the recess.

Mr. Lynch

said, that the subjects which these Bills embraced had been considered in Committee, and he had taken care to guard against the objections which had formerly been urged.

Viscount Morpeth

observed, that these Bills had been introduced last Session, and contained many valuable suggestions. He certainly thought it would be an ad- vantage that hon. Members should have an opportunity of seeing those measures before the recess; and he understood that they had during the holidays received the best attention of the hon. Member who introduced them. He hoped the House would be inclined to adopt the present motion, on the full understanding that before they were pushed to a subsequent stage, not only the Government but the House would be afforded the opportunity of making itself completely cognisant of them.

Leave given.