§ Bills. Read a first time:—Summary Convictions; Juvenile Offenders.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. DAVENPORT and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Ormskirk and other places, against the proposed Measure for the Abolition of Church-rates; and by Mr. ORD and other Hon. MEMBERS, from various places, in favour of the proposed Measure for the Abolition of Church-rates.—By Mr. HUMS and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Lincoln and other Poor-law Unions, for Repeal or Amendment of the Poor-law; and by Sir JOHN TYRRELL, from a place in Essex, in support of the Law.—By Mr. HAMILTON, from the Clergy of the Diocese of Clogher, against the present system of National Education.—By Mr. BROTHERTON, Captain ALSAGER, and Mr. AGLIONBY, for Amendment of the Factories' Act; from labourers and others in the employ of Mr. Lord, of Manchester; and Mr. Lockett, and operative Cabinet-makers, to the same effect.—By Mr. CLAY, from Members of the Poplar Institution for Mutual Instruction, for the Establishment of a System of National Education; and from the Glasgow and West of Scotland Power-Loom, and Tenters' Association, for Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. WILLIAMS WYNN, from the County of Montgomery, against appropriating the Surplus Revenues of St. Asaph and Bagnor to other purposes.—By Sir EARDLEY WILMOT, from the Members of the Warwickshire Association for the Protection of Agriculture, against Grinding foreign Corn in Bond.—By Mr. PONSON BY and Mr. NICHOLAS FITZSIMON, from Irish Fire Insurance Companies, and Corporation of Derby, for the Reduction of the Duty on Fire Insurances.—By General LYGON, from Stourport, for limiting the number of Beer-houses.—By Mr. FOX MAULE, from Heritors, Farmers, and others, of Storehouse, for the Amendment of the Law relating to the Statute Labour in Lanarkshire.