§ Petitions presented. By Sir JOHN BECKETT and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and various other places, against; and by Mr. LISTER, Colonel LANGTON, and other Hon. MEMBERS, from various places, for the Abolition of Church-rates.—By Mr. LISTER and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Devizes and other places, for Amendment of Poor-law Act.—By Mr. HANDLEY and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Wisbeach and other places, complaining of the undue privilege enjoyed by the Proprietors of the Post-office Shipping Gazette over the 1208 Proprietors of similar Papers.—By Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD, from various places, for Abolition of Tithes (Ireland).—By Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD and other Hon. MEMBERS, from Wigan and other places, that a General Bill may be allowed to pass through a Committee of the whole House, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath— By Mr. W. ORD, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for Reduction of Duty on Marine Insurances.—By Mr. VERNON SMITH, from Northampton, for Universal Suffrage.—By Mr. F. SHAW, from Dublin, for a prohibition of the Sale of Spirituous Liquors on the Sabbath.—By Mr. MOSTYN, from Mold, for the Repeal of Duty on Cotton.—By Mr. F. SHAW, from Down, Connor, and other places, complaining of the unequal operation of the present system of National Education (Ireland).—By Mr. W. MILES, from Martindale, complaining of the Expense incurred by the present Survey for the completion of the Voluntary Agreement under the Tithe Commutations Act.