HC Deb 25 March 1836 vol 32 c591

Bills. Read a second time:—Manorial Boundaries; Escheats; and Hackney Carriages (Metropolis).—Read a first time:—West-India Judicature.

Petitions presented. By Mr. ROBERT FERGUSSON, from Aberdeen, for a Repeal of the Paper Duty.—By Mr. EWART, from Liverpool, for a fixed Duty on Salt.—By Sir WILLIAM GEARY, from the Licensed Victuallers in Kent, and of various Places, against the increased Duty on Spirit Licences.—By Mr. SHAW, from Limerick, for further Inquiry into the circumstances of the Carlow Election; and from the Clergy of various dioceses, against any Alteration of the Law concerning Tithes.—By Mr. HARDY, from the Medical Profession of various Places, for Remuneration for attending Coroners' Inquests—By Mr. JEPHSON, from the Protestant Tithe Payers of Magourney and Kilcoleman, for Revaluation of Tithes.—By Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD, from Burrishoole, for the Abolition of Tithes.—By Mr. FITZSTEPHEN FRENCH, from various Places, for the Better Regulation of the Shannon.—Sir WILLIAM GEARY, from Gravesend and Dartford, for the Commutation of Tithes.