HC Deb 30 June 1836 vol 34 cc1117-20
Mr. C. Buller

moved that the standing orders relating to Bills for the Establishment of Small Debts Courts be repealed, and that all such Bills be henceforth treated as public Bills.

Mr. Hume

seconded the motion. He hoped that the motion of his hon. Friend would induce the Attorney or Solicitor -General to bring in a general Bill on the subject.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, that it was very doubtful whether the hon. Member's motion would have the desired effect; and he thought that, though certain modifications might be advantageously made in the standing orders, still that the case which was sought to be remedied would be no better by their repeal.

Mr. William Wynn

concurred in what had fallen from his right hon. Friend. If a general Act could not be passed on the subject it was inexpedient to repeal the standing order.

Mr. Wakley

suggested, that the hon. Member might withdraw his motion for the purpose of giving an opportunity for the introduction of a general measure. As it related to the administration of justice it should be brought forward in an entire form, and in a general way.

Lord Sandon

acknowledged the extreme inconvenience of the present system, and expressed a hope that it would be speedily remedied.

Motion withdawn.