HC Deb 13 June 1836 vol 34 cc486-7

The Serjeant at Arms (Colonel Gossett) reported that Sir Frederick Trench and Rigby Wason, Esq. were in custody: on the motion of Lord John Russell, both hon. Members were ordered to attend forthwith in their places. The hon. Members were brought in and took their places. The Report from the Committee on the Durham Railway was read.

Lord John Russell

moved, that the Speaker do call on both the hon. Members to rise in their places, and give an assurance to the House that the affair between them should not be carried further.

Motion agreed to.

The Speaker called on the hon. Members to comply with the wishes of the House. [A pause.]

The Speaker

If the hon. Gentlemen, in the present case, persist in refusing the pledge which I, in the name of the House, have required of them, it is clear that the only course left for adoption is, at once, to commit both to the custody of the Serjeant at Arms.

Sir Frederick Trench

was desirous of laying before the House a simple statement of the facts; and after some opposition each hon. Member entered into an explanation of the personal difference which had occurred between them in the South Durham Railway Committee. A lengthened discussion ensued, which at length ended by the two hon. Members accommodating their difference by a little mutual retractation, and the matter ended.