§ Bills. Read a first time: Murderer's Execution. Read a second time: Steam Vessels (Thames) Bills. Recovery of Tenements; Chapels of Ease (Ireland); Copyright Act Amendment.
§ Petitions Presented, By Mr. T. ATTWOOD, from Birmingham, for the Removal of Disabilities affecting the Jews, for Ameliorating the Criminal Code, and for an Equalization of the Duty on East and West India Sugars.—By several HON. MEMBERS, from various places, the House to adhere to the Provisions of Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Bill, as originally passed by the Commons.—By Mr. E. TENNENT and LORD CASTLEREAGH, from several places in Ireland, to pass the Bill as agreed to by the Lords. —By several HON. MEMBERS, from various Places, for Abolition of Church Rates.—By Mr. W. WILLIAMS from Attornies and Solicitors of Coventry, for Repeal of Duty on Certificates.—By several MEMBERS, from various places, for an Alteration in the Factories Regulation Act—By SIR C. B. VERE, from Aldborough, for Alteration of Fisheries Bill, and -from Ipswich, that in the proposed Alterations of Paper Duties, a Drawback may be allowed on Stocks in hand.—By several HON. MEMBERS, from various places, for Lord's-day Bill.—By Mr. LOCH, from Nairn, for Alteration of Law of Statute Labour (Scotland), and from Ross and Cromarty, for Reduction of Duty on Spirit Licences (Scotland).—By Mr. WOOD-HOUSE, from Western Division of Norfolk, for Poor-laws for Ireland.—By Mr. MORGAN O'CONNELL, from Rakfigh Laracor Gallow, for Abolition of Tithes (Ireland).