§ Bills. Read a second time:—Loan Societies (Ireland); Civil Offices' Declaration.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. Power, from various Places, for Excise Licences' (Ireland) Bill.—By Sir G. STRICKLAND, from Barnsley, for Repeal of the Duty on Newspapers.—By several Hon. MEMBERS, from various Places, for Abolition of Tithes (Ireland).—By several HON. MEMBERS, from various Places, not to agree to the Lords' Amendments on the Municipal Corporations' (Ireland) Bill.—By Sir GEORGE STRICKLAND, from Bradford, and Mr. BROCKLEHURST, from Chorley, for Amendment of the Factories' Regulation Act; and for a Ten Hours' Bill.—By Viscount ACHESON, from Lisnadill, for an Alteration of the Law relating to Landlord and Tenant; and from Market hill, for a Law to Prohibit the use of Spirits by the Lower Orders; and from Armagh, for a Protecting Duty on the Importation of Flax (Ireland).—By Mr. BROCKLEHURST, from Brewers and Retailers of Beer in Macclesfield, to be placed on the same footing as Licensed Victuallers.—By Mr. GUEST, from Merthyr Tydvil, for Revision of the Criminal Code.