HC Deb 29 July 1836 vol 35 cc676-7

Mr. Vernon Smith moved the third reading of this Bill.

Colonel Sibthorp moved, as an amendment, that the Bill be read a third time that day six months.

Mr. Arthur Trevor

seconded the amendment, from the conviction that it was only introduced to assist party purposes, and would inevitably tend to injure the interest of the Established Church.

Mr. Hardy

concurred in the amendment. He did not think there was any one sect in the country which would bear being treated as the Established Church had been treated in the instance of this Bill. He hoped the Bill would not pass in its present state.

Mr. Anderson Pelham

was convinced that no danger was to be apprehended to the Church from the Bill.

Mr. Scarlett

contended that the Bill would not carry into effect its avowed intentions, but that it would put the whole of the charities into the hands of ministerial partisans, who would apply them to political purposes.

Sir R. Inglis

certainly thought, that the interests of the Church would be compromised by the Bill.

Colonel Sibthorp

felt, that he should not do his duty to the Established Church if he did not press his amendment to a division.

The House divided on the amendment, Ayes 12: Noes, 54—Majority 42.

Bill read a third time and passed.