HC Deb 06 July 1836 vol 34 c1289

Petitions presented. By Mr. BOLTON KING, from the Directors of the Warwick and Leamington Banking Company, that the Committee on Joint Stock Banks be instructed to require from Private Banks an account of their Liabilities and Assets.—By Lord CHARLES RUSSELL and Mr. PINNEY, from Roseton, Lyme Regis, and Grampound, for Abolition of Church Rates.—By Sir R. VIVIAN, from the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, praying the House not to sanction the Repeal of the Pro visions of the Tea Duties' Act; and from Clergy of Wells, against Church of Ireland Bill—By Mr. T. ATTWOOD, from various Places, against Factories' Act Amendment Bill.—By the Marquess of CHANDOS, from Hatfield, York, complaining of Distress and praying for Relief; and from the Master Ship Bread Bakers, Liverpool, that Foreign Flour and Biscuit may be subjected to the same Restrictions as Beef and Pork.—By Mr. PRYSE PRYSE, from the Dissenters of Talybout, for Registration of Births, &c,, Bills.

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