HC Deb 02 August 1836 vol 35 cc758-9
Mr. A. Trevor

said, that seeing the hon. Member for Kilkenny in his place, he wished to put a question to him. The hon. Member had a notice of motion on the printed order-book of the House. He wished to know whether the hon. Member intended to persevere in pressing that motion this Session, and, if not, whether he intended to postpone it till next Session?

Mr. O'Connell

said, the hon. Member should have a candid, full, and explicit answer to his question. He (Mr. O'Connell) did not mean to go on with his motion this Session, on account of the late period at which they had arrived, but every thing that had occurred since he had given notice of it, convinced him more than ever that it was absolutely necessary for the House of Commons to take up the question; and that in fact, it had become their imperative duty, being, as he was, thoroughly persuaded, that the very name of freedom would be extinguished in this country unless the House of Lords was reformed. He should bring the matter forward at the earliest, period next Session.

Mr. A. Trevor

said, that the hon. Gentleman had not answered his question, which was, whether he intended to put the notice of such a motion on the order-book for next Session.

Mr. O'Connell

thought he had answered the hon. Gentleman's question; he had certainly intended to do so. He would put such a notice on the order-book.

Mr. A. Trevor

said, that whenever such notice was given, he would give notice to have it expunged from the order-book.

Subject dropped.

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