Mr. William Williamswished to ask the noble Lord, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether it was his intention this Session to introduce any measure for effecting a reform in the Corporation of the city of London. He was induced to ask this question in consequence of the strong feeling which prevailed in the city on this subject. It was considered, that since other Corporations had been favoured with a measure of reform, there was no just cause why the city of London should be made an exception. He also begged to inquire the reason why the Report of the Municipal Corporation Commissioners with regard to the city of London had not yet been laid on the Table of the House?
§ Lord John Russellreplied, in answer to the second question put by the hon. Member for Coventry, that he understood the Report was not yet completed. That would account for the answer he should give to the first question—namely, that until he had an opportunity of considering that Report, he could not introduce a Bill with respect to the city of London.
Mr. James Blackburnesaid, he could probably answer the question in a more satisfactory manner to the hon. Member for Coventry. The reason why the Report was delayed was, that one of the Commissioners had been so busy in other employments, that he had not been able to undertake his share of the labour of preparing the Report; but if the noble Lord would be kind enough to spare him for two hours on three or four successive days, he had no doubt that the Report would be soon finished. ["Hear," and laughter.] The Commission had expired long ago, and nothing remained but to finish this Report, which could not be done in the absence of the Commissioner he had alluded to.
§ Subject dropped.