§ Captain Bolderorose to put a question to the hon. Member for Maldon, who had a motion tonight regarding the Mutiny Bill. After the full discussion the question of flogging in the army had undergone last night, and after the been given by Government, in the diminution of 100 lashes to be inflicted by regimental and garrison Courts-martial, he submitted to the hon. Member, whether it would not he injurious to the service, of which he (Captain Boldero) was a member, again to bring the question before the House. He had consulted several military friends upon the subject, and they were of opinion that it could not but be prejudicial again to introduce the discussion. He, therefore, humbly begged the hon. Member for Maldon not to press his motion this evening.
§ Mr. Lennardreplied, that what had been conceded by Ministers, which the hon. and gallant Member had termed a boon, was not at all satisfactory to him nor to many of his friends, and, in deference to them, he should persevere in the notice he had given.