HC Deb 07 September 1835 vol 30 c1442

Mr. Tooke moved "That the House do not insist on the Amendment made in the Patents Bill by the House, and which had been objected to by the other House."

Mr. Warburton opposed the Motion.

The House divided; Ayes 23; Noes 21; Majority 2.

List of the NOES.
Aglionby, H. A. Morrison, J.
Baldwin, Dr. O'Connell,M. J.
Blamire, W. Strutt, E.
Brabazon, Sir W. Scholefield, J.
Bowring, Dr. Thornely, T.
Brocklehurst, J. Wakley, T.
Callaghan, D. Wallace, R.
Codrington, Sir E. Williams, W.
Hindley, C. Wilks, J.
Hughes, H. TELLERS.
Hume, J. Ewart, W.
Marshall, W, Warbnrton, H.