HC Deb 26 March 1835 vol 27 cc301-5
Mr. O'Loghlen

rose to move for leave to bring in a Bill for the appointment of convenient places to hold the Assizes in Ireland. The hon. and learned Member said, persons in Ireland had to travel sometimes sixty or seventy miles to obtain justice. He need not say, how very inconvenient such a state of things must be; he should be happy to meet with the assistance of any hon. Members in preparing his Bill, and as he did not expect any opposition to his motion, he would simply move for leave to bring in his Bill.

Sir Henry Hardinge

said, he did not intend to offer any opposition to the measure—he only hoped sufficient time would be given to refer the matter to a Commission.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

did not intend any opposition—he only wished to say, that he was afraid the vigilance of the hon. Member for Salford must be asleep, or he would have moved the adjournment of the House.

Mr. Wyse

said, that some time ago an attempt was made to remove the assizes from Waterford. The Bill had met with great opposition from the inhabitants; and he was afraid the hon. and learned Member had sought to introduce a measure which was extremely obnoxious to the great body of the magistracy of the county.

Mr. Littleton

said, that from his experience in Ireland, he believed such a measure would be extremely useful. He thought the apprehension of his hon. Friend was quite unfounded, because it would be quite impossible to remove the assizes without the concurrence of the Privy Council.

Mr. Walker

looked upon the measure as giving the death-blow to the independence of Ireland. He had no objection to the Privy Council of England, but he wished the affair to be brought to the proper tribunal, and that was that House. He would not refer it to a tribunal, not only partial, but consisting wholly of one party. When he knew that the Grand Juries in Ireland were nominated by the Orange Sheriffs, and the Orange Sheriffs of Ireland by the Orange Judges, and these Orange Judges forming a large and influential portion of the Privy Council of Ireland, he must say, that a more unjust proposal could not have been imagined, and he trusted that Irish Members, having a majority against Orangemen, would not permit the Bill to pass ["Hear"].

Mr. O'Loghlen

said, he had not expected such opposition, It had been objected to vesting, in the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, the power of choosing proper places for holding the assizes; and he did say, that he thought it was carrying party spirit too far to attribute the influence of partial feeling to such persons. There was a check upon them if they were disposed to act in that manner, because, without the consent of the Grand Juries of the county (who were composed of men not very likely to appoint inconvenient places for the assizes), they would not be enabled to carry this Bill into execution. He thought their objection, however, would come with better force in the Committee, when they would examine into the details, as this resolution was only intended to introduce the principles of the Bill.

Mr. Ruthven

having expressed his disapprobation of the Privy Council of Ireland,

Leave was given.

Mr. Hume moved the adjournment of the House.