§ New Writ issued. A New Writ was ordered on the Motion of Mr. E. J. STANLEY, for Bury St. Edmond's, in the room of Lord CHARLES FITZROY, Chamberlain to his Majesty's Household.
§ Bill. Read a third time:—Capital Punishments.
§ Petitions presented. By General SHARPE, from the Handloom Weavers of Sanquhar, for a Board of Trade.—By Sir GEORGE CREWE, from the Clergy of Matlock, for Protection to the Protestant Church of Ireland; from Belper, for a Clause in the Western Railway Bill, to prevent Sunday Travelling.—By Mr. PRYSE PRYSE, from three Places, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By Mr. Serjeant JACKSON, from Cork, against any further Grant to Maynooth College.—By Mr. G.J. HEATHCOTE, from Hawley, for an Inquiry, into the Operation of the Slavery Abolition Act.—By Mr. INGHAM, from the Shipowners and others of South Shields, against any Alteration in the Timber Duties—By Dr. BOWRTNG, from the Unitarians of Bath, for an Alteration in the Dissenters Marriages' Bill; from Port Glasgow, against any Alteration in the Timber Duties.—By Mr. GILLON, from Falkirk, against any further Grant for Building Churches in Scotland.—By Messrs. RIDLEY COLBORNE, BOWRING, and M'CANCE, from several Places,—for the Repeal of the Duties on Newspaper Stamps.—By Mr. PLUMPTRE, from several Places, against compelling Soldiers serving in Foreign Countries to attend Roman Catholic Church Ceremonies; from Northbourne, for Relief to the Agricultural Interest, from the East Kent Agricultural Association, to the same effect; from Margate and Ramsgate, against the Duty on Spirit Licenses.—By Sir EARDLSY WILMOT, from Birmingham, against Drunkenness, and for Legal Measures to prevent it.