HC Deb 15 June 1835 vol 28 c782

Bills. Read a second time—Stafford Dis-franchisement; Dominica Indemnity; Offences against the Person.

Petitions presented. By Dr. BALDWIN, from Moinard, for Corporation Reform; from Cork, for the Abolition of Tithes, also for the Introduction of Poor-laws into Ireland, also for the Repeal of the Duty on Glass.—By Mr.GILLON, from the Handloom Weavers of three Places, for a Board of Trade; from Leith and Newhaven, for the Abolition of Tithes on Fish.—By Mr. H. FLEETWOOD, from Preston, for Corporation Reform.—By Messrs. PHILPOT and BUCKINGHAM, from several Places,—against Drunkenness; from South Shields, for the Better Protection of Merchant Seamen.—By Mr. INGHAM, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, against any Alteration in the Timber Duties; from South Shields, in favour of the Seamen's Enlistment Bill—By Mr. MARK PHILIPS, from Manchester, and Mr. HUTT, from Kingston-upon-Hull, for excepting all Courts for the Recovery of Small Debts from the operation of the Imprisonment for Debt Bill.—By Major BEAUCLERK, from Christ Church, Surrey, against that Bill.—By Mr. MARK PHILIPS, from Manchester, for Abolishing the Jurisdiction of Ecclesiastical Courts, also for a General Registration.—By Sir F. H. GOODBICKE, from Stafford, and Mr. Serjeant JACKSON, from Ballymenel, for Protection to the Irish Protestant Church.—By Mr. J. H. LOWTHER, from the Printers of York, against the Repeal of the Duty on Newspapers Stamps.—By Mr. STUART WORTLEY, from several Places, for Protection to the Church of Scotland.—By Mr. R. WALLACE, from Greenock, against the Seamen's Enlistment Bill; also against all Taxes on Knowledge; also for the Establishment of Public Literary Institutions; also against any Grant for Building Churches in Scotland.—By Sir R. BATESON, from Londonderry, against paying Arrears of Tithes for the years 1831 and 1832; from Antrim, for Protection to the Irish Protestant Church; from the Linen Manufactories of Londonderry, for the Reenactment of the Linen Manufactures (Ireland) Act.—By Mr. ROBINSON, Mr. EWART, and Mr. V. SMITH, from Liverpool and Northampton,—in favour of the Municipal Corporation Bill,