§ "ULSTER.—The spirit of party has occasioned some disgraceful outrages on the borders of Londonderry and Antrim, and in Fermanagh. The other parts of the province are generally tranquil.
§ "LEINSTER.—Prædial combination continues in operation throughout the province; but its results are so far less mischievous than during the preceding months, that the class of offences is lighter, viz. four homicides (from this cause), and more common assaults. On the whole, I consider the state of the province is comparatively tranquil.
§ "CONNAUGHT.—I am happy to state, that there appears a decrease of crime in the province, as compared with the last month; and though there is a nominal increase, as compared with the corresponding period of the last year, there is an actual decrease as to serious crimes. The nominal increase is occasioned by common assaults, ninety-four in number. It is also gratifying to be able to inform his Excellency that outrages of an insurrectionary character have decreased, as compared with the preceding month, and also the corresponding period of last year.
§ "MUNSTER.—There has been a change for the better during the month of May. As the days lengthen and the term of darkness is shortened, outrages diminish in number. The peace of the country is more readily maintained than during the long nights of winter."