§ Petitions presented. By Mr. EWART, from Liverpool, for Establishing a General Scale to Regulate Burial Fees; from Cheltenham, against the Punishments awarded by the existing Laws to Astrologers and others foretelling Events.—By Mr. BRUEN, from two Places, against the Church of Ireland Bill.—By Mr. HUME and Colonel LEITH HAY, from several Places, against the Aberdeen Universities.—By Lord GRIMSTON, and Mr. PRYSE PEYSE, from several Places, for the Repeal of the Duty on Newspaper Stamps.—By Mr. HUME, from two Parishes at Brompton, for the Repeal of section 6, of 58th George 3rd, c. 69, relative to Plurality of Voting.—By Mr. PRYSE PRYSE, from Cardigan, against any Alteration in the Timber Duties.—By Sir C. BLUNT, from Chichester, against the Application of the Public Money in the Prosecution of the Brighton Guardian Newspaper.