§ Bill. Read a third time:—Seamen Enlistment; Offences against the Person; Agra Government.—Read a second time:—Real Property.
§ Petitions presented. By Sir JOHN HOBHOUSE, from the Postmasters of Nottingham, against the Post-Horse Duty.—By Sir RONALD FERGUSON, from Nottingham, for the Repeal of the Poor-Law Amendment Act.—By Mr. R. HEATHCOTE, and Mr. J. P. B. CHICHESTER, from Henly, Shelton, and Barnstaple, for the Repeal of the Duty on Newspaper Stamps.—By Mr. HURST, from Horsham, for the Repeal of the Duty on Spirit Licenses.—By Mr. JAMES OSWALD, from Glasgow, for an Alteration of the Law regarding Tonnage Admeasurement; also against any Alteration in the Timber Duties.—By Mr. FRESHFIELD, from the Society of Attornies, Proctors, &c., for the 449 Repeal of the Duty on Attornies Certificates.—By Messrs. BRUEN, RANDALL PLUNKETT, and an Hon. MEMBER, from several Places,—in Support of the Protestant Church of Ireland.—By Dr. BOWRING, from the Handloom Weavers of Kilmarnock, for a Board of Trade.—By Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD, Mr. O'CONNELL, and an HON. MEMBER, from four Places,—against Tithes.—By Mr. P. B. THOMPSON, Mr. HOGG, and two HON. MEMBERS, from several Places, against Parts of the Municipal Corporations' Bill.—By Mr. RICHARD HEATHCOTE and Mr. KEMYSS TYNTE, from Stoke-upon-Trent and Yeovil, in favour of, and by Lord SANDON, from Liverpool against the above Bill.