§ Bills. Read a first time:—Reform of Parliament Act Amendment (Scotland).—Read a second time:—Contempt in Equity (Ireland); Lunatic Act Continuance.—Read a third time:—Soap Duties' Drawback.
§ Petitions presented. By Captain CURTEIS, from Guilford, Rye, and other Places, for the Commutation of Tithes.—By an HON. MEMBER, from Lachford, in Support of the Established Church (Ireland),—By Sir EARDLEY 278 WILMOT, from Warwick, for the more Speedy Trial of Persons charged with Small Felonies.—By Mr. HUME, from Cupar, against the Appointment of Colonel LINDSAY, to the Fife Militia.—By Sir EARDLEY WILMOT, and Mr. BINGHAM BARING, from several Places,—against parts of the Municipal Corporations'Bill.—By Mr. GROTE, from Oxford, in favour of the Municipal Corporations' Bill.—By Mr. HUME, from Brentford Political Union, in favour of the Ballot.—By Mr. HUME, and Captain CURTEIS from various Places, for the Repeal of the Duties on Newspapers.—By Mr. HUME, from the Stonehaven Society, for the Extension of Civil Liberty.—By Mr. BONHAM CARTER, from Portsea, for a less Expensive Mode of Ejecting Tenants; from Fareham, for the Repeal of the Additional Duties on Spirits.—By Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD, from Mr. Ross, for the Introduction of Poor-laws into Ireland; and from New Ross, for the Suppression of Orange Societies.