HC Deb 27 February 1835 vol 26 c423
Mr. Ainsworth

wished to know, whether the right hon. Baronet, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, contemplated making the New Boroughs Corporations, and if so, whether he intended to establish the election of the public officers on the foundation of the 10l. franchise.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, the question involved so many important points, that he was not prepared at the moment to give an answer as to the course which Government intended to pursue. That in the New Boroughs provision ought to be made for an efficient police, and the due administration of justice, he had no doubt: the measures he had introduced in furtherance of these objects in the metropolis, evinced what his views on these points were. Whether it was in contemplation to extend corporations was another question: he would not say that he should object to the principle of such a measure, but, in the first place, he was not quite sure that the towns themselves were desirous of such a distinction, and even if they were, it was not to be granted without the most serious consideration. The Report of the Municipal Commissioners would throw a very great light on this subject. He was under an impression that the Bill which Lord Brougham had introduced, for the purpose of giving the New Boroughs corporations, had not met with the universal assent of the towns themselves. The great expense incurred in incorporating a town was felt as a very great objection. At any rate, it was advisable that the question should be postponed, at least till the House had had an opportunity of considering the Municipal Commissioners' Report, from which it would appear whether it was advisable to increase the number of boroughs, and if it were advisable, what defects in the present system were to be avoided.

Sir Edward Codrington

said, that he believed the borough he represented was desirous of placing the election of its public officers on the principle of the 10l. franchise, but he was not so certain that they would approve of the introduction of a system of police resembling the metropolitan.

Mr. Cobbett

hoped that, whatever might be done with reference either to new or old boroughs, the House would resist the introduction to any of them of such a Bourbon police force as disgraced the metropolis—a set of spies going sneaking about in coloured clothes.

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