HC Deb 24 August 1835 vol 30 c936

Bills. Read a third time:—Letters Patent—Read a second time:—Slave Trade (Sardinia); and Slave Trade (Denmark).

Petitions presented. By Lord SANDON, from Coventry, for preserving the British Constitution entire.—By Colonel PERCEVAL, from Fintona, in favour of the Deserted Children (Ireland) Bill.—By Captain JONES, from Londonderry, for a Clause in the Irish Church Bill.—By Mr. MORGAN O'CONNELL, from Cavan, for Poor-Laws to Ireland.—By Mr. SCHOLEFIELD, from Birmingham, against the Letters' Patent Bill.—By Mr. RONAYNE, from Ardagh, for the Revaluation of Tithes.—By Colonel PERCEVAL, Colonel VERNER, and an HON. MEMBER, from several Places,—against the Irish Church Bill.—By Mr. JAMES OSWALD, from Glasgow, in favour of the Municipal Corporations' Bill; for the Repeal of the Duty on Newspaper Stamps; against the Proposed Alteration in the Bonding System.—By Mr. SINCLAIR, from Thurso, for Protection to the Church of Scotland; from Irvine, against the Glasgow University Bill; from Caithness, agninst the Aberdeen Universities' Bill.—By Mr. OSWALD and Mr. W. CRAWFORD, from London and Glasgow, for Allowing Bonded Wheat to be ground, and the Flour converted into Biscuit for Exportation.