§ New Writ ordered. For Drogheda, in the room of ANDREW O'DWYER, Esq., whose Election has been determined to be void.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. R. WALLACE, from Greenock, for the Repeal of the Stamp Duties on Receipts and Bills of Lading; from Kirkintilloch, against the Tippling (Scotland) Act—By Colonel EVANS and Mr. GROTE, from Parishes in London and Westminster, for the Repeal of the Window Duty.—By the Marquess of CHANDOS, from Stoke, against uniting that Parish with the adjacent Parishes.—By Mr. W. O'BRIEN, from the County Clare, for Assistance to build a Pier at Ballynaughan.—By Major C. BRUCE, from the Agriculturists of Fife, for Protection and Relief.—By Mr. R. WALLACE and Mr. J. MAXWELL, from several Places, against any Grant for Building Churches in Scotland.—By Sir A. AGNEW, from Risby and Cavendish, for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. MURRAY, from Stirling, in favour of the Trinity Harbour and Docks.—By Mr. FLEMING, from Portsmouth, for the Repeal of the Reciprocity of Duties' Act.—By Lord MORPETH, from Sheffield, for Alteration in the Imprisonment for Debt Bill.—By Mr. CARRUTHERS, from Hull, and Mr. JAMES OSWALD, from a Number of Places, against the Imprisonment for Debt Bill,—By Sir H, PARNELL, Sir A, AGNEW, Mr. R. FER- 878 GUSON, and Mr. STUART MACKENZIE, from a Number of Places, for Support to the Church of Scotland.—By Mr. J. OSWALD, from Stage-coach Proprietors and others of Glasgow, for placing all Modes of conveying Passengers on a similar Footing in regard to Duty; from the Glasgow Tea East-India Association, for Equalizing the Duty on East and West-India Produce, also for the Repeal of the Duty on Receipt Stamps.—By Mr. C. HINDLEY, from the Factories of Horley Bridge, against the Factories' Regulation Act.—By Sir HENRY PARNELL, Dr. BOWKING, Mr. J. MAXWELL, and Mr. R. WALLACE, from the Handloom Weavers of a Number of Places, for a Board of Trade and for Relief.—By Sir H. PARNELL, from Boindee, for Extending the System of Parochial Education to Scotland.—By the ATTORNEY-GENERAL, from the Prisoners Confined for Debt in the King's Bench Prison, in favour of the Imprisonment for Debt Bill.—By the ATTORNEY-GENERAL, Sir HENRY PARNELL, Serjeant GOULBURN, Sir WILLIAM FOULKES, Alderman THOMPSON, and Messrs. SPRING RICE, STRUTT, COMPTON, and FLEMING, from a Number of Places, for the Repeal of the Duty on Spirit Licences.