HC Deb 22 May 1834 vol 23 c1193

Petitions presented. By Major BEAUCLERK, from two Places, for Remitting the Sentence passed on the Ten Agricultural Labourers at Dorchester; from St. Mary, Newington; and by Mr. GREENE, from Lancaster,—against the Poor Law Amendment Bill.—By Mr. C. BULLER, and Mr. WALTER, from two Places, for Inquiry into the Causes of Drunkenness.—By Mr. BAINES, Mr. WILKS, and Mr. ADAMS, from several Places,—against the proposed Measure of Church Rates.—By Lord ROBERT GROSVENOR, Sir RONALD FERGUSON, Mr. O'CONNELL, Mr. BUCKINGHAM, Mr. G. F. YOUNG, Mr. HALFORD, Mr. OSWALD, Lord CASTLEREAGH, Lord DALMENY, Messrs. HAWES, PHILIPS, LEFROY, PENDARVES, CLIVE, CAYLEY, Sir ANDREW AGNEW, Colonel FOX, Colonel CONOLLY, Mr. SINCLAIR, and Mr. DUNLOP, from several Places,—for an Inquiry into the Causes of Drunkenness—By Mr. GROTE, from Perth, for Vote by Ballot, and Triennial Parliaments.—By Sir ROBERT INGLIS and Mr. HALFORD, from several Places,—against the Universities' Admission Bill.—By Mr. Hawes, from Clerks in Government Offices, against the Pensions (Civil Offices) Bill.—By Mr. OSWALD, from Cumnock, for the Repeal of the Corn Laws; from several Places, for the Separation of Church and State.—By Mr. F. YOUNG, from the Merchant Seamen of North Shields, against the Contribution of Sixpence to Greenwich Hospital; from Shipowners and others in London, for an Alteration in the London Port Acts.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from the Debtors in Gloucester Gaol, for the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt; from Crossmolina, for the Repeal of the Union; from Carlteel, against Tithes and Poor Laws in Ireland; from several Places, against Tithes, from the Dairymen of Dublin, against the Tax on Carts used in their Business; from the Shipowners of the Port of Dublin against the Reciprocity of Duties Act.—By Colonel ANSON and Mr. GEORGE FREDERICK YOUNG, from two Places,—in favour of the Leith Harbour Bill.—By Mr. CAYLEY, from Middlesbrough-upon-Tees, for the Repeal of the Export Duty of Coals.—By Mr. OLIPHANT, from Perth, for the Dissolution of the Convention of Royal Burghs; and for the Abolition of the Abjuration Oath.—By Mr. ROEBUCK, from Lower Canada, for a Reform in the Governance and Laws of the Province.—By Mr. MANGLES and Mr. DUNCOMBE, from several Places,—against the Claims of the Dissenters.—By Sir ROBERT INGLIS, from several Places, for Protection to the Church of England; and by Mr. HEATHCOTE, from Boston,—for Amending the Sale of Beer Act; from several Places, for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day; from Charlbury, against the proposed Measure of Church Rates—By Lord SANDON, Sir CHARLES LENNOX, and Messrs. DUNCOMBE, G. F. YOUNG, DUFFIELD, GREENE, BIGNEY, GROTE, and CLIVE, from a Number of Places,—against the Poor Law Amendment Bill—By Lord NORRYES, Lord SANDON, Mr. DUNCOMBE, and Mr. MILLS, from a Number of Places,—against the University Admission Bill.—By Lord CASTLEREAGH, from Killough, for Relief to the Irish Fisheries.—By Mr. SHAW LEFEVRE, from several Places, for the Repeal of the Malt Tax.—By Messrs. GROTE and OSWALD, from two Places,—against the Taxes on Knowledge.—By Mr. GROTE, from Perth.—By Mr. BUCKINGHAM, from the Handloom Weavers of Lochwinnoch, for a Board of Trade.—By Mr. OSWALD, from Perth, for Universal Suffrage, and the Repeal of the Septennial Act; from Salcoats (Ayrshire), against the Sabbath Observance Bill; and by Mr. SHAW LEFEVRE and Lord SANDON, from two Places,—in favour of the same.—By Mr. OLIPHANT and Mr. OSWALD, from several Places, against the present System of Church Patronage in Scotland.