§ Bill. Read a third time:—Warwick Witnesses' Indemnity.
§ Petitions presented. By Sir EDWARD KNATCHBULL, and Lord EBRINGTON, from several Places, for the Amendment of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. WALTER, from Wantage, for placing Licensed Victuallers and Retailers of Beer on the same Footing.—By Mr. HILL, from Hull, for Relief to the Polish Exiles.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Dublin, for the Repeal of the Spirits, Wine, and Beer (Ireland) Act; from the Law Students of King's Inn, for doing away with the Law which compels Irish Law Students to keep Terms in London before they practise in Ireland; from three Places, for the Abolition of Tithes.—By Mr. H. MORETON, from Bisley, for the Establishment of Local Courts.—By Mr. BAINES, from the Dissenters of Shipley, against the proposed Measure respecting Church Rates.—By Colonel WOOD, from Breconshire, for Protection to the Established Church.—By Mr. PEASE, from Durham, for an Arrangement with the Dean and Chapter as to Fines.—By Mr. WILKS, from a Congregation in Silver Street, for an Inquiry into the Causes of Drunkenness.—By Sir WILLIAM MOLESWORTH, from Penzance, for Triennial Parliaments; and from several Places, for the Repeal of the Septennial Act.—By Mr. DAWSON, from Leicestershire, against Church Rates.—By Mr. GASKELL, from the Political Unions of Wakefield, against the Punishment inflicted on the Venders of Unstamped Publications.—By Lord MORPETH, from Leeds, against Trades' Unions.—By Sir EARDLEY WILMOT, from the Dissenters of Birmingham, against the Church Rates Bill.—By Mr. EGERTON, from Gatley, for an Inquiry into the Causes and Extent of Drunkenness.—By Lord CHARLES RUSSELL and Mr. WIGNEY, from several Places and Congregations, for Relief to the Dissenters.—By Mr. SHAWE, from the Baptists of Broadlands Chapel, Meltham, for Relief to the Dissenters.