§ New Writs ordered. For the City of Edinburgh, in the room of the Right Hon. FRANCIS JEFFREY, Judge of the Court of Session.—For the Leith District of Burghs, in the room of John ARCHIBALD MURRAY, Esq., LORD 1029 ADVOCATE of Scotland.—For Derby County, in the room of Lord CAVENDISH, now Earl of BURLINGTON.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. E. L. BULWER, from the Baptists of Lincoln, against the Proposed Measure of Church Rates; from Framfield, for Amending the Poor Laws.—By Sir RONALD FERGUSON, from Nottingham, against the Poor Law Amendment Bill.—By Messrs. TYNTE, STRUTT, E. L. BULWER, and BRISCOE, from several Places,—for the Repeal of the Septennial Act.—By Mr. Alderman Wood, from the Vintner's Company, against the Justices of the Peace Bill.—By Mr. GROTE, from a Dissenting Congregation, for Relief to the Dissenters; and by Captain YORKE, from Cambridge, against granting their Claims.—By Mr. LITTLETON, from the Retailers of Beer at Darlaston, for being put upon a Footing with Licensed Victuallers.—By Mr. HYETT, Mr. SCOTT, Sir EDWARD KNATCHBULL, from several Places,—for the Repeal of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. HODGES, from several Places, for the Repeal of the Malt Tax—By Mr. SINCLAIR, from a great Number of Places, for an Alteration in the present System of Church Patronage in Scotland.—By Mr. SCOTT, from a Number of Places, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By the Earl of DARLINGTON, from several Places, against the Universities' Admission Bill.—By Mr. DILLWYN, from Swansea, for an Inquiry into the Causes of Drunkenness.—By Mr. EWING, from the Handloom Weavers of Glasgow, and other Places, for Relief.—By Mr. WYNDHAM, from two Places, against the Poor Law Amendment Bill; from several Places, for the Repeal of the Malt Tax.—By Mr. BRIGGS, from Manufacturers and others, against Trades' Unions.—By Mr. EWING, from Balfour, for an Inquiry into the Pension List; from Guildry, for Simplifying the Laws relating to Sequestrations (Scotland); from the Bakers of Glasgow, for Permission to manufacture Foreign Wheat into Biscuits for Exportation; from the Colliers of Lanark, for preventing the Arrestment of Workmen's Wages; from Dening, for the Separation between Church and State; from several Places, against Church Rates; from Lanark, against; and from Stevenston, in favour of, the Alteration in the System of Church Patronage.—By Mr. CUMMING BRUCE, from Forres, against Clandestine Emigration.