§ Bill. Read a first time:—Bankrupts (Scotland); Sale of Beer Act Amendment.—Read a second time:—County Rates.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. LANGFORD, from the Catholic Priests of the Midland District, for an Alteration of the Marriage Act.—By Messrs. WALLACE, LALOR, RONAYNE, BARRON, GRATTAN, BLAKE, and CHAPMAN, from a Number of Places, against Tithes.—By Mr. HODGES, from Rochester and Kemptown, for the Repeal of the Malt-tax.—By Mr. HEATHCOTE, from several Places, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath; from two Places, against the General Register Bill.—By Sir RICHARD VYVYAN, from several Places, against the Separation between Church and State; and from Bristol and East Kent, against the Universities Admission Bill.—By Mr. GILLON, Colonel WILLIAMS, and Mr. HARVEY, from a Number of Places,—in favour of the Separation between Church and State.—By Sir EDWARD KNATCHBULL, Sir RICHARD 610 VYVYAN, Colonel WILLIAMS, and Messrs. HOLDSWORTH, WILKS, MARK PHILIPS, GILLON, LLOYD, HARVEY, BENETT, SHAWE, PEASE, STEWART, GISBORNE, HURST, and LANGDALE, from a great Number of Places, and Dissenting Congregations,—for Relief to the Dissenters.