§ Bills. Read a first time:—Central and Criminal Court; English and Irish Judgments.—Read a second time:—House of Commons' Offices.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. SHAW, from the Wesleyan Methodists of Dublin, in favour of the Lord's Day Observance Bill; from the Shipowners of Maryport, for the Repeal of the Reciprocity of Duties Acts; from Dundalk, for Improved Legislative Measures for Ireland.—By Mr. BETHELL, from several Places, against any Alteration in the Corn Laws.—By Mr. HYETT, from the Dissenters of Stroud, against the Dissenters Marriages Bill.—By Mr. BETHELL and Mr. SHAW, from several Places,—against the General Register Bill.—By Mr. TOOKE, from several Metropolitan Parishes, against the Parish Vestries Bill; and against the Poor Law Amendment Bill; from St. Botolph's, Aldgate, for the Commutation of Tithes.—By Sir JOHN OWEN, from Arran, for Inquiry into the State of the Irish Fisheries.—By Sir GEORGE GREY, Sir JOHN OWEN, Mr. Alderman WOOD, and Mr. TOOKE, from a Number of Dissenting Congregations,—for Relief to the Dissenters.—By Sir GEORGE GREY and Sir JOHN OWEN, from several Places,—for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By Mr. GODSON, from Kidderminster, for the Repeal of the Corn Laws; and from the same Place, for a Remission of the Sentence on the Dorsetshire Labourers.—By Sir GEORGE GREY, from East Stone House, against the charge of one Penny on all Letters and Newspapers coming to or leaving that Place.