§ Petitions presented. By Sir MICHAEL SHAW STEWART, from Paisley, for the Abolition of Church Patronage there.—By Sir ROBERT PEEL, from Bridgewater, in support of the Established Church.—By Mr. LITTLETON, from the Fishermen of Bantry, for Relief.—By Colonel ANSON and Mr. LITTLETON, from two Places,—for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Lord GRANVILLE SOMERSET, from Hertford, against the Bill for Disfranchising that Borough, and from Chepstow, for Protection to the Established Church.—By Sir FRANCIS VINCENT and Mr. KEMEYS TYNTE, from two Places,—for Amending the Libel Law.—By Colonel SEALE, from Brixham, for the Repeal of the Reciprocity Duties Act; and from Dartmouth, for Protection to the Established Church.—By Mr. EWART, from Birkenhead, for a Vestry-room detached from the Church.—By Mr. W. WHITMORE, from Sedgeley, for the Repeal of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Rye, for Mitigating the Penalty imposed upon L. E. Cohen; and for the Amendment of the Libel Law; and from West Auckland, for Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, and Annual Parliaments.—By Mr. WARD, from the Parish of Marylebone, against the Board of Sewers.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Galway, for the Repeal of the Apothecaries Act; from several Places, for the Abolition of Tithes; and for the Repeal of the Union.—By Lord MORPETH, Sir W. CHAYTOR, Colonel SEALE, Colonel WILLIAMS, and Messrs. C. BERKELEY, RYDER, H. HANDLEY, CALVERT, P. THOMSON, G. W. WOOD, GASKELL, L. WATKINS, BAINES, BROTHERTON, WILKS, BRODIE, W. WHITMORE, PARROTT, and EWART, from a Number of Places,—for Relief to the Dissenters.—By Mr. COLQUHOUN, from several Places, for the Abolition of Lay Patronage in Scotland.—By Lord MORPETH, from several Places, for Inquiry into the present State of the Medical Profession.—By Mr. RIDER, from three Places, for a Commutation of Tithes.—By Mr. COLQUHOUN, from Dumbarton, in favour of last year's Sabbath Observance Bill; and from one Parish, for a Revision of the Law relating to Parochial Schools in Scotland.—By Messrs. METHUEN and TALBOT, from several Places,—for an Alteration in the System of Poor Laws.—By Messrs. WHITMORE and C. BERKELEY, from several Places,—for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.