§ Bills. Read a second time:—Admission of Freemen.—Committed:—Punishment of Death.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. BARING, from Christian Residents in London, for removing the Civil Disabilities of the Jews.—By Sir RONALD FERGUSON, from Sweinton, for the Separation of Church and State.—By Mr. ROBERT FERGUSON, Mr. INGHAM, Sir GEORGE CAYLEY, and Mr. BETHEL, from four Places,——for the Repeal of the Reciprocity of Duties Act.—By Mr. LITTLETON, from the Proprietors of Coal Mines in Staffordshire, against such Mines being Assessed to the Poor Rate.—By the same, and by Colonel WOOD, Mr. HUGHES HUGHES, Sir RICHARD SIMEON, Mr. DUFFIELD, and Lord GRANVILLE SOMERSET, from several Places, against the University Admission Bill.—By Mr. E. BULLER, from Stone, for Relief to the Agricultural interest.—By Mr. WILKS, Colonel CONOLLY, Mr. GEORGE BERKELEY and Mr. PLUMPTRE, from several Places, for an inquiry into the Causes of Drunkenness.—By Mr. GEORGE BERKELEY, from several Places, for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Lord ROBERT MANNERS and Mr. RICE TREVOR, from several Places, for Protection to the Established Church.—By the same, and Mr. POINTZ, from several Places,—against the Claims of the Dissenters.—By Sir WILLIAM CHAYTOR and Sergeant SPANKIE, from Islington, and two other Places,—against the Poor Law Amendment Bill; and by Mr. JERVIS, Mr. GEORGE BERKELEY, and another HON. MEMBER, from several Places,—against Clauses in the above Bill.—By Mr. GROTE, Mr. WILKS, Mr. N. SHAWE, and Mr. BROCKLEHURST, from several Places,—against Church Rates.—By Mr. GROTE, from the Tower Hamlets, for a Clause in the Justices of the Peace Bill.—By Mr. FEARGUS D O'CONNOR, from Rathcormick, and other Places, against the Tithes (Ireland) Bill; from two Places, for the Repeal of the Union.—By Mr. JERVIS, from Chester, for a Clause in the County Rates Bill.—By Mr. FORT, Lord MORPETH, and Mr. WILKS, from several Places, for Relief to the Dissenters.—By Lord MORPETH, Sir D. K. SANDFORD, Dr. LUSHINGTON, Colonel DAVIES, and Mr. ROEBUCK, from a Number of Places,—against the Poor Laws' Amendment Bill.—By Lord MORPETH and Mr. HERRIES, from several Places,—for Protection to the Established Church.—By Lord G. LENNOX, Colonel LYGON, and Mr. HEATHCOTE, from several Places,—for the Continuance of the Labour Rate Act.—By Sir C. BURRELL. and Mr. H. HANDLEY, from three Places,—against the Sale of Beer Act.—By Sir GEORGE STAUNTON, from Emsworth, for Protection to the Fisheries in that Neighbourhood.—By Mr. PLUMPTRE, from Stapleford, for Protecting Members of the Church of England, against a Compulsory Attendance on Popish and other Religious Ceremonies.—By Mr. G. BERKELEY, from Westbury upon Severn, for Poor Laws to Ireland.—By Mr. S. MACKENZIE, from the Parochial Schoolmasters of Dingwall, &c., for an increased Stipend.