§ Bills. Read a third time:—Exchequer Bills; Public Works.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. SINCLAIR, from Montrose, for the Repeal of the Attorney's Taxes (Scotland).—By Lord GRANVILLE SOMERSET, from Doncaster, against the Universities' Admission Bill.—By Mr. SHAW, from three Places, in Support of the Protestant Church of Ireland.—By Mr. STEWART MACKENZIE, from British Residents at Canton, for the Revision of the Act of 1833, concerning the Tea Trade; from Calcutta, for Trial by Jury in Civil Cases; also for Protection to the Rights of Property in the ease of Aliens, or those descended from them; from two sets of Parochial Schoolmasters for an increased Stipend.—By Messrs. FINCH and DAVIES, from several Places, for Protection to the Church of England.