HC Deb 06 August 1834 vol 25 cc1006-8

On the question of the third reading of the Sale of Beer Act Amendment Bill,

Lord Althorp

stated, that he meant to move Amendments to several parts of the Bill, the object of which was to enable Magistrates to permit the keeping open beer-houses at any hours they might think expedient, not earlier than four o'clock in the morning, nor later than eleven at night. This he did on the grounds stated by him when the Bill was last before the House. He also moved several verbal Amendments.

Mr. Thomas Attwood

approved of the Amendments which the noble Lord intended to propose, and thought that they would give satisfaction to the country.

The Bill was read a third time.

Lord Althorp moved, that the two clauses which he had described should be added to the Bill.

Mr. George Wood moved an Amend- ment, to the effect that no house should be licensed to sell beer in cities and boroughs sending two Members to Parliament which was not rated to the poor-rate at 10l. a-year, and the rates on which should not be fully paid up. The object of the Amendment was to throw the beer trade into the hands of respectable persons.

Mr. Warburton

would oppose the Amendment as unjust and iniquitous. It ought not to have been brought forward without notice.

Mr. Tennyson

supported the Amendment. It quite met his views, and would prevent him from proposing certain clauses which he thought ought to be added to the Bill.

Mr. Thomas Attwood

said, that the Amendment was another attempt to make the condition of the poor one of increased hardship. Why make this a question of money instead of character? Was it not sufficient to have a certificate of honesty in favour of the man who wished to sell beer, but you must also invest him with the character of "respectability?" Did "the Reformed House" mean to declare that the power to pay a certain amount of rent was the test of respectability? He would advise them rather to believe in the existence of virtue in the midst of poverty; if they did not, they would teach a terrible lesson to the people. He knew men whom money could not purchase, who lived in 30s. houses.

Mr. John Stanley

supported the Amendment, which he thought would furnish a test of character.

Mr. Potter

opposed the Amendment. The hon. Member for Lancashire had not treated the House courteously in proposing it without notice.

Mr. Aglionby

strongly condemned the Amendment, and called upon the noble Chancellor of the Exchequer to come forward and declare his opinion with respect to it.

Lord Althorp

said, he thought some test was necessary, and would vote for the Amendment, if pressed to a division.

Sir Henry Willoughby

opposed the Amendment as unnecessary, as against the principle of the Bill and as effecting a change in it of which no fair notice bad been given.

Mr. George Wood

would allow the clause to be altered so as to let it be the value and not the rating of the house. He would also consent to its not coming into operation till April, 1836. The clause would then stand thus:—"That from and after the 5th of April, 1836, no license should be granted for the sale of beer, ale, cider, or perry to the occupant of any house in London or Westminster, or within the bills of mortality, or in certain cities, towns, or boroughs, unless such house were of the value of 10l."

The House divided—Ayes 35; Noes 24: Majority 11.

Clause agreed to, and the Bill passed.

List of the AYES.
Althorp, Lord Perceval, Colonel
Astley, Sir Jacob Perrin, Sergeant
Baines, E. Peter, W.
Barnard, G. Pinney, W.
Barry, G. S. Poyntz, W. S.
Berkeley, Hon. C. Sandon, Lord
Buckingham, J. S. Shaw, F.
Byng, Captain Shepherd, T.
Cripps, J. Stanley, E. J.
Hay, Colonel L. Stowell, Colonel
Hoskins, K. Tennyson, Rt Hon. C.
Hurst, R. H. Thompson, Alderman
Littleton, Rt. Hon. E. Tower, C. T.
Lynch, A. H. Troubridge, Sir T.
Mangles, J. White, S.
Marjoribanks, S. Young, G. F.
Maxwell, J. TELLERS.
Mullins, F. W. Philips, Mark
Pelham, Hon. C. A. Wood, G. W.
List of the NOES.
Attwood, T. O'Reilly, W.
Baring, Francis Palmer, C. F.
Blamire, W. Potter, R.
Childers, W. Pryme, G.
Ellis, Wynn Scholefield, J.
Ewart, W. Smith, Vernon
Faithfull, G. Todd, Ruddell
Gronow, Captain Wedgwood, J.
Humphery, J. Willoughby, Sir H.
Labouchere, H. Wood, Charles
Langdale, Hon. C. M. TELLERS.
Lefevre, C. S. Aglionby, H. A.
Methuen, P. Warburton, H.
Oliphant, J.
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